Tiffiney lost 24 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Transformation of the Day: Tiffiney lost 24 pounds. She shares how she changed her relationship with food and worked out consistently to get results. As a woman of faith, she knew she could reach her goals and become more disciplined with Christ’s help.

Social Media:
Instagram: @fit.over40.with.tiff

What was your motivation?
My motivation to lose weight was to be the best version of myself. I strive to be better and better, and fitness was an area where I knew I was lacking. I was not giving enough focus and intention. I

As a woman of faith, I felt that I could do more with Christ’s help. I needed to practice self-control and discipline and to grow my fruit of the spirit. If I can discipline myself in other ways, I felt like food discipline had to happen as well. 

Also, certain health conditions run in my family. I would prefer not to take medicines to treat conditions that can be managed by being at a healthy weight. What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up? I was inspired to stop letting food control me. There are so many areas in life we have no control over. I have 100% of control over my food choices. I realized I was letting food bully me and control me. I would repeat to myself, “Food is not in control of me. I am in control of it”. 

How did you change your eating habits?
I changed my relationship with food completely. No eating plan was going to work until I changed how I viewed food. I no longer glamorized eating, and I stopped following a lot of food accounts on social media. 

I prioritized protein and reduced carb intake. I consumed at least 100 grams of protein and 50-75g of carbs daily and lowered my sodium intake (just mindful of daily % per serving–no set grams). I drank at least 80oz of water daily. I have a water bottle with times noted that kept me on track during the day.

Tiffiney before and after weight loss

What is your workout routine?
I have always worked out, but it didn’t help me achieve my goals. It wasn’t until I controlled my food choices that I saw results. I actually lowered the intensity and my heart rate during workouts. I walked three miles in the morning, five days a week, at a 16-minute mile pace. Twice a week, I added a second workout in the afternoon. I walked on the treadmill for 30 mins, 12% incline, 2.0mph. On those days, I also added 20 minutes of strength training. 

What was your starting weight? 222 pounds

What is your current weight? 198 pounds

What is your height? 5’7″

When did you start your journey?
I’ve been off and on since I had my 3rd (and last) child ten years ago. I gained 50 pounds during pregnancy. I didn’t quit on myself this time (beginning in April 2023). How long did your transformation take? It took six months of consistency and not giving up on myself. I have 20 more pounds I would like to lose. I am maintaining during the holidays and will go back into grind mode in January 2024. 

Is weight loss surgery part of your journey? No 

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
Just keep going. The results will come. Don’t chase results. Instead, chase discipline and consistency. 

What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight?
You can redefine your relationship with food. Exercise is important for toning, cardio fitness, and strength, but it’s only 20% of the weight loss journey equation. Nutrition and food discipline is 80% of the journey. 

You must have a “why” bigger than “looks”. Fitting into a certain size wasn’t enough to make me change. Being controlled by food was enough for me!

Zion Life Style
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