Tenetia lost 51 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Transformation of the Day: Tenetia lost 51 pounds. At the root of her motivation to change her lifestyle were fibroids and endometriosis. She connected to a coach (Cookie Millier, someone who’s awesome weight loss transformation we’ve featured and followed) who gave her the guidance and support she needed to reach her goals and thrive.

Social Media:
Instagram – @Just.tenetia
Her coach (IG): @CookieMiller

What was your motivation? What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up?
My over-motivation for losing weight was actually rooted more in how my body was being impacted by my Endometriosis and Fibroids. I knew I had to focus on my eating habits and physical health to get my pain maintenance together.

 Once I started working with my nutritionist and trainer, it became so much more than just that one part of my life. I realized that taking care of myself helped me emotionally and honestly spiritually.

How did you change your eating habits?)
I was lucky enough to have the ShrinkFit System with Cookie Miller! She and her team really break down what your habits have been and help you to create better habits. I was a “coffee in the morning, maybe a pastry or something with it, and then nothing until dinner” girl. However, now I’m a “what’s my protein” type of girl. I actually consume breakfast and focus on balancing my day with foods that I like, but that are also good for me.

What is your workout routine?
With the program, I’ve learned to love weight training! Leg days are my favorite. I used to be a cardio-only person if and when I worked out. Now I’m a gym girl who enjoys a good deadlift.

How often did you work out?
I do weights 4-5 times a week and some type of daily cardio.

What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?
I started my program with Cookie at 216 pounds. Today I’m 165 pounds.

What is your height?
I’m 5’3”.

Tenetia before and after weight loss

When did you start your journey?
March 2023

Is weight loss surgery part of your journey?
No, it is not.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
I’ve really started to hone in on what my today self can help my future self with. I ask myself: If I don’t skip a workout or don’t consume unnecessary calories, how can that I help and benefit my future self.

What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight?
Start with “why” you want to lose weight. On your worst days, that “why” will be important. It may be the only reason why you make it to the gym or why you say no to fast food. Knowing your why helps to keep you focused. 

The other huge thing is figuring out what works for you. There are so many options out there, and trust me I know we’ve tried the majority of them. What works for me may not be the exact thing that works for you. That’s why I loved working with Cookie. My plan is my plan. It’s customized to my hormonal concerns and the way my body fluctuates through my cycle. Thanks to this type of program, I have a better understanding of my body when it comes to weight loss and maintenance. The maintenance part is a gamechanger!

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