Nicole lost 130 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Transformation of the Day: Nicole lost 130 pounds by cutting down her portions and working out. She was tired of struggling to get around and being hindered while doing simple activities. Over the course of five years, she put in the work and got results. 

Social Media:
Instagram: @nickih71

What was your motivation? What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up?
I struggled so much with getting around and being unable to do simple things, like sitting in a booth at a restaurant. Plus, having Lupus made having all this extra weight worse.

How did you change your eating habits?
I just cut down on my eating. I bought child-size plates and ate smaller portions.

What is your workout routine?
I use a recumbent exercise bike.

How often did you work out?
I work out three times a week.

What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?
My starting weight was 390 pounbds. My current weight is 260 pounds (still losing).

What is your height?
I’m 5’5″.

Is weight loss surgery part of your journey?

When did you start your journey? How long did your transformation take?
I started my journey in April 2018. It’s been five years.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
I learned that weight loss starts in the kitchen.

What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight?
Just don’t give up. It won’t happen overnight, but hang in there because you can do it.

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