Dana lost 58 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Transformation of the Day: Dana shares how she lost 58 pounds this year with healthy food and exercise. Her goal is to be holistically healthy and to live a long life as a proud grandmother. 

Social Media:
Instagram: @healthier4life

Here are my stats:
Starting weight: 282 pounds (April 2023)
Current weight: 224 pounds (November 2023)
Goal weight: 175 pounds
Starting clothing size: 22/24, 2X
Current clothing size: 14, Large

What is your motivation?
My goal is holistic health. I have my first grandchild. I want to live a long, healthy life so that I can play with her and be there for her and my future grands!

How did you change your eating habits?
I started focusing primarily on protein and not so much on calories. I keep my calories low and am on track with my deficit daily. I try my best to stick to 64 ounces of liquids daily. I don’t deprive myself of anything. 

Dana lost 58 pounds

What is your workout routine?
I work out four days a week, focusing on cardio and strength. 

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
The biggest lesson I’ve learned so far is that I have to be consistent. I also have to approach things as a lifestyle vs. a diet. Lifestyles are forever. Diets aren’t. 

What advice would you like to share with women who want to lose weight?
Find out what works for you. Don’t be hard on yourself if you fall off. We all do. That’s why this is a lifestyle change and not a diet. When we fall off in life, we get back up and keep moving. That’s how you have to look at the weight loss journey. 

Remember, this is YOUR journey, and the only competition is you. Being a healthier and stronger woman is what the goal is. The time will pass by, so why not use this time to do something to make yourself feel proud?

Dana before and after weight loss

Zion Life Style
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