Shirley lost 53 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Transformation of the Day: Shirley shares how she lost 53 pounds. A colleague volunteered to be her accountability partner, and that support was crucial to her success. She has created a brand new lifestyle by changing her mindset, committing to healthy eating habits, and working out 21 days a month.

Social Media:
Instagram: @mzbeautifulandindependent

What was your motivation?
My motivation was a colleague volunteering to be my accountability partner. She helped me come up with a plan to lose weight. She inspired me to level up and get serious about getting my health and weight under control. It was her holding me accountable that inspired me not to give up.

How did you change your eating habits?
I changed my eating habits by doing Intermittent Fasting between 12-8 PM, giving up hard liquor cold turkey, drinking cucumber water, meal prepping, and eating healthy home-cooked meals instead of eating out.

Tell us all about your workout routine.
In the Summer months of June and July, I don’t work, so my accountability partner encouraged me to get to the gym by 5 AM. When school started back in August, I started working out after work. I would get to the gym by 4:30 AM. I thought it would be hard waking up that early, but surprisingly, it was hard many days going after work, but I pushed through by thinking of the why. It was my why that kept me going. 

I work out 21 days a month. I am on the treadmill walking for 65 minutes, the elliptical for 30 minutes, the stepper for 30-60, and I do 30-45 minutes of strength training. I also switch it up, which means I may do 30 minutes of walking and an hour on the elliptical. I’m in the gym for 2 1/2-3 hours, and on the weekends, I get lost in my workout.

When did you begin your journey and how long did it take? What was your starting weight?
When I started my workout journey on June 15, 2023. I weighed 283 pounds at 5’2″. As of November 2023, my weight is 230 pounds. 

This transformation took me five months, and my results are what sustains me and will keep me going. I can’t imagine not going to the gym. It is my lifestyle now. I want to lose 40 lbs more and tone my body.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
The biggest lesson that I’ve learned on this weight loss journey is mindset. Once I changed my mindset, I was able to level up. Prayer, consistency, discipline, and commitment equals success. I learned to show up for myself.

What advice would you like to share with women who want to lose weight?
My advice for women wanting to lose weight is to start with your mindset. If you can, find an accountability partner who is genuinely invested in your success. That’s a blessing. 

Listen to motivational speeches (which is one of my favorite things to do when I work out). Those speeches resonate with my soul. Once you start seeing your results, you’ll want to continue until you reach your goal and then adopt it as a lifestyle change.

Is weight loss surgery part of your journey?
Although I have never believed in weight loss surgery, I was really close to having it because I convinced myself that I just needed a boost, and then I would take it from there. However, my accountability partner came to me on the exact same day that my consultation was scheduled (which I didn’t go to). Today, I am finally winning this weight loss war, and I’m blessed that I had someone who inspired me to level up!

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