Best Summer Diet Plan for Weight Loss ( Indian Menu, Summer Weight Loss Tips )

Difficult to lose weight during summer? Make it possible with our  Indian diet plan. Summer days bring back our childhood memories of summer vacation, playing outside the whole day, as well as eating mangoes. Childhood days were such stress-free days that we never bothered to check our weights or fitness. But as we grow old and start gaining weight, summers become the most dreaded season because of the mangoes. Not just mangoes but, also the amounts of frozen desserts, sugary beverages, and juices we consume. On top of that, there is no scope for workouts during such hot weather. All these lead to weight gain. Read on to know about the Best summer diet plan for weight loss ( Indian Menu, summer weight loss tips ).

What if I say, summers are a boon for people who want to lose weight? During summer, the outside temperature is high, which naturally helps you to lose weight. High temperature makes you sweat. Sweating causes you to burn involuntary calories and aid in weight loss.

Weight Loss In Summers

During summer, the urge to eat or binge eat is reduced. It has been observed that during summer the total caloric intake is 200 – 300 calories less than the average intake. We can use this to our advantage and plan just enough diet to initiate weight loss. Less caloric intake and more calorie burning in the form of sweat create a negative calorie balance leading to weight loss.

During summer the body tends to have a higher metabolic rate. The temperature outside is also high, making it possible. To keep up with the outside temperature and keep the body cool, the body sweats. Your body is constantly at work to maintain the body temperature. Sweating is directly connected to the burning of fats.

During hot weather, the body craves light, cold, and juicy foods. Nature by default has such seasonal foods that help you beat the heat. Consumption of such foods leads to reduced calorie intake and in turn, helps in weight loss. Melons and other fruits like grapefruit, oranges, grapes, and berries are high in fiber, water, minerals, and vitamins. This combination is ideal for fluid and electrolyte balance in the body in the scorching heat.

During summer, we tend to sip more water to keep ourselves cool as well as hydrated. Water is beneficial for weight loss. Drinking water in between meals not only helps you to suppress hunger but also cuts down on excess calorie intake. A sufficient water intake relieves constipation, which is important for weight loss. With increasing temperatures, we tend to lose more water and electrolytes from the body. You can introduce infused water that not only adds taste but also adds extra vitamins and minerals to plain water.

  • The easy season for a workout

Unlike winters, we can easily wake up early in the morning during summer for a workout. During winter we tend to get lazy to wake up and skip our workout. The sun helps to control our melatonin and cortisol levels which keep the gloomy feeling at bay. The early sunrise helps to reduce depression and anxiety that otherwise stop you from doing your workouts. Swimming can be the best workout you can do during summer to combat the heat and burn some calories.

Infused water for weight loss


Summer Weight Loss Tips 

Here are some amazing weight loss tips that will complement this best summer diet plan for weight loss and help you achieve a fit body this summer.

Small meals will not make you feel uncomfortable. Eating frequently will keep your body’s metabolism high. With a constant high metabolism, you tend to lose weight quickly.

  • Sip on different low-calorie fluids

Water is the best beverage anyone can have. But try and sip on the low-calorie liquids to balance the fluid and electrolytes in the body. Consume infused water containing cucumbers, mint, ginger, fresh fruits, or spices to keep you cool during the summer. Consume buttermilk, which is rich in probiotics. Probiotics help to keep the gut healthy. It is the best low-calorie drink you can have to beat the heat and not put on weight.

During summer, it is easy to consume overnight-soaked oats with nuts for weight loss. Oats are high in fiber which helps to lose weight. Consume a variety of innovative cold salads that cut down your calories and aid in weight loss.

Summer is the season of mangoes. Mango has a myth, that it makes you gain weight. But, if the mangoes are consumed smartly, they can help you to lose weight. Mangoes are high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, antioxidants, anticarcinogens, vitamins, and minerals. Soak 1 medium size mango for a few hours in water. Consume this mango during the daytime in between meals. When mangoes are consumed with meals, they tend to increase the glycaemic load, which makes you gain weight.

The fruits available during summer are very high in water content. Ice apples, jamun, white jamun, guava, watermelon, muskmelon, amla, and jackfruits all are low in calories. The water content helps you to keep yourself cool and the water and fiber content aids weight loss.

Consume basil seeds, chai seeds, sesame, and flaxseeds that will help you beat the summer heat. It also provides antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and is gut friendly.

Best Summer Diet Plan for Weight Loss with Indian Menu

Let us check this super easy Indian summer weight loss diet plan.

Sample diet plan

Empty stomach: Soaked chia seeds (soaked overnight) in water

Breakfast: 1 cup Overnight soaked oats or cooked daliya with nuts/Poha/Upma

+ 1 glass buttermilk / sattu shake

Mid-morning: 1 (100- 150  gms) Seasonal fruit

Lunch: 1 cup Sprout Salad +  2 Chapati or 1 Cup Rice + 1 cup Vegetable + 1 cup Dal + 1 cup Curd

Mid-afternoon: 1 Glass Jeera pudina Buttermilk / imlana (sweet and sour tamarind  or Raw mango water with jaggery, jeera, and pudina)

Snack: 1 cup Green Tea + ½ cup Roasted Chana/Millet Puffs/ ½ cup Sweet potato Salad

Mid-evening: 1 Glass of Buttermilk

Dinner: 1 jowar roti + any green leafy vegetable + kadhi

End note:

It is advisable to use the seasonal variations to your advantage wisely. Aim for weight loss with the help of a professional. The efforts you put in become less and the result is fast and long-lasting. I hope this Best summer diet plan for weight loss ( Indian Menu, summer weight loss tips). please do subscribe to our Youtube channel to see very interesting videos on health.

Zion Life Style
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