Indian Diet Chart for Liver Ascites

Ascites are the collection of water between the abdominal lining and its organs. It is not a usual illness. The majority of people who have liver cirrhosis tend to experience this water retention. In visual representation, the person looks weak and there is a prominent protruding belly. Read on to learn about the Indian diet chart for liver ascites. Diet tips for liver ascites as well as food list for liver ascites.


Signs and Symptoms of Ascites

  • Swelling in the extremities
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Indigestion
  • Heartburn
  • Fever
  • Hernia

Causes of Ascites

Why there is water retention in the abdominal cavity?

The liver being the metabolic machine of the body,  helps in various life processes. For instance, the Liver not only filters the blood but also helps in digestion, detoxification, and protein synthesis, as well as stores glucose and other nutrients. When the function of the liver is compromised due to any illness or infection, the filtration of blood is affected. There is a gush of blood in the portal vein putting a lot of pressure on the liver. The excess pressure blocks the blood supply to the liver and the vein starts leaking in the abdominal cavity. This abdominal fluid cannot be excreted from the body through normal filtration and thus accumulates in the abdominal cavity.

Treatment of Liver Ascites

When the body cannot excrete extra fluid from the body a medication is prescribed to get rid of the excess fluid. These are diuretics that help to remove the excess fluid via urination.

Consume a diet high in good carbohydrates, moderate intake of foods rich in good quality proteins, and moderate intake of fats. Restrict the diet if the urine output is less. However, the person needs to restrict his salt intake. Excess salt leads to water retention in the body, whereas less salt will help the body by not holding excess water in the abdominal cavity.

The doctors insert a tube in the abdominal cavity to remove the excess fluid. This reduces the maximum fluid collected in the abdomen. But, there are chances of reoccurrence of water accumulation even after the removal of fluid.  To avoid recollection of fluid, one must follow a restricted diet and medications.

Surgically a shunt is made between the portal vein to drain the excess fluid of the vein in a neck. The fluid then enters the bloodstream and follows the regular excretion process. If none of the treatments work, the last option is a liver transplant.

What happens if Ascites is left untreated?

  • Infections: If the fluid remains for a long time without any treatment, it can lead to bacterial infection. It can manifest into a fever, abdominal inflammation, as well as pain in the abdomen. It has to be treated with antibiotics to avoid major complications.
  • Hernia: Ascites can cause severe pressure on the abdominal organs. This pressure might lead the stomach to protrude from the diaphragm and form a hernia.
  • A feeling of fullness all the time: The belly full of fluids gives a feeling of bloating all the time. This affects the appetite severely causing malnourishment and deficiencies.
  • Fluid in lungs: Excess fluids can be drained in the lungs leading to coughing, infection, chest pain, and difficulty in breathing.
  • Kidney failure: High pressure on the liver results in high blood pressure. Chronic high blood pressure leads to overworking of the kidneys. However, if the kidney cells exhaust, it can lead to kidney failure.

Indian Diet Chart for Liver Ascites

As evident, liver ascites being a serious issue, should be addressed as early as possible. Dietary modifications are in the control of the patient and should be implemented in lifestyle without delay. Before we see the Indian Diet Chart for Liver Ascites, let us first take a look at the diet tips to manage liver ascites.

Diet Tips to Manage Liver Ascites

Restrict salt to half a teaspoon a day. Replace the salt in the diet with vinegar, tamarind, or tomatoes to add taste to the recipe. Avoid any packaged foods that are loaded with sodium preservatives. Especially avoid tomato ketchup, papad, picked as well as chips and namkeen that are loaded with salt.

  • Consume simple carbohydrates

Simple-to-digest carbohydrates will help to easily store glucose in the liver without overloading the liver as well as the digestive system. Include cereals like oats, puffed rice, poha, whole wheat flour, as well as millets like jowar and quinoa. Avoid refined flour and cereals.

  • Monitor the quality and quantity of proteins

Protein is required to make up for the muscle loss in liver ascites. It helps to balance the albumin lost in the body. Include first-class proteins like egg whites, milk and products, soy, pulses, dals, lean meat, and fish. Avoid red meat as it can worsen ascites.

  • Consume good quality fats but in small amounts

With ascites, there is an accumulation of cholesterol due to compromised liver function. Consume omega-3-rich fats like olive oil, walnuts, avocado, and flaxseeds, and medium-chain fatty acids like coconut oil or ghee. Chia seeds also help to reduce inflammation, reduce fluid in the diet, and provide antioxidants.

  • Adequate vitamins and minerals

Poor appetite leads to malnutrition and deficiencies. Adequate vitamins and minerals are necessary for the functioning of the body. Consume at least 4 to 5 servings of colorful fruits and vegetables.

Measure the fluid intake according to the amount of urine as well as add 500 ml accounting for the insensible losses. The fluid includes water, any liquid gravy, dals, and beverages.

Alcohol interferes with the functioning of the liver and leads to excess water retention.

  • Consume small frequent meals

With the feeling of bloating all the time, it is best to consume small, nutrient-dense meals. Ensure the meals are consumed every 2 hours and in tiny portions. The below-given sample Indian diet chart for liver ascites is planned to meet this requirement.

Indian Diet Chart for Liver Ascites

Sample Indian Diet Chart for Liver Ascites

Energy: 1800 kcal     Carbohydrates: 350 gms      Proteins: 50 gms        Fats: 30 gms

Breakfast: 2 Small Mini vegetable Oats/ Jowar Uttapam with green chutney + 1 cup Curd or 2 Egg- whites or ½ cup Paneer

Mid-morning: 1 cup Fruit chia or flaxseeds yogurt pudding

Lunch: 3 Chapati or 1 ½ cup Rice + 1 cup Vegetable + 1 cup Curd

Evening: 1 Khakra or Chapati + 1 cup Sprouts or 1 cup Hummus or 1 cup moong or 3 – 4 small Moongdal Vegetable Chilla

Dinner: 2 medium Jowar Roti or 1 ½ cups Vegetable Khichdi (Rice/quinoa/ broken wheat/bajra/brown rice with moong dal) + 1 cup vegetable + 1 cup curd

Bed-time: Soaked nuts (2 almonds, 2 walnuts, 1 dry fig, black raisins)

End note

Liver ascites can lead to complications if not treated on time. Hence, it is very crucial to work closely along with your healthcare team for a good quality of life. A tailor-made medical intervention along with a customized diet plan will help to manage liver ascites.

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