Michele lost 97 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Transformation of the Day: Michele lost 97 pounds by walking and making healthy food choices. She faced a range of factors, including being her Mom’s primary caretaker and suffering from spinal degenerative disease, which contributed to her gaining approx. 80 pounds. Her turning point came when she found out she was pre-diabetic.

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Instagram: @ready2reclaim

I lost my beloved mother on Easter Sunday of this year. My Mom battled Alzheimer’s/Dementia for the last four years of her life, and I was her primary caretaker. This was no easy task, especially given the fact that I am also an older mother (over 50) of a “tween” son. 

And to compound matters even more, I suffer from spinal degenerative disease, partial lateral paralysis (of my right hand and foot, as well as a visual deficit. All these factors, combined with the onset of the pandemic shutdown (i.e., the need to care for my Mom while homeschooling my child), caused me to gain approximately 80 pounds, which, among other things, was thoroughly agonizing on my spine.

My weight gain was entirely stress-related as depression quickly set in. However, the catalyst to make a positive change came last year when I received a diagnosis of prediabetes. I knew I had to turn things around since both of my parents battled diabetes, and my dad passed away due to a host of related and debilitating complications. 

I explored the prospect of having bariatric surgery but quickly decided against it when I learned of the host of possible long-term complications. I ultimately decided to try the “Nurtisystem Diabetic” weight loss plan along with a daily walking regimen because this seemed to be a program that could fit neatly into my chaotic life. I even gifted myself a beautiful Golden Retriever so that I would have an emotional support companion and a good reason to get out and walk on a regular basis.

Michele before and after weight loss

I lost 78 pounds within the first eight months. Best of all, I reversed my prediabetes diagnosis! As of today, I am down 97 pounds total, which is lower than my intended goal weight, but it also allows me quite a bit of wiggle room with which to work. 

I can walk better, my chronic pain is less intense, and I can keep up with the high energy level of my 10-year-old, for the most part. The latter accomplishment is the most meaningful reward because I can now give my all to my young son in the same manner I was able to give of myself to my three adult children. 

Thank you for allowing me to share my story. I hope other sisters can be inspired in the knowledge that it is never too late to make purposeful change a reality in our lives.

How many days a week did you work out?

I walk 30 – 45 minutes daily, seven days a week – rain, sleet or shine. 

What is your height?

I am 5′ 11″.

When did you start your journey?

I began my journey in late August 2022.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?

I have learned to persevere through all adversity.

What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight?

If you choose to do nothing, you can expect the same (nothing). But if you decide to start your journey, then things will likely change for the better. Envision yourself at the finish line. You might be off to a rocky start with some setbacks along the way. However, always be mindful of the old adage, “Slow and steady wins the race.” AND the payoff makes the journey worthwhile.


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