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Use these Bible verses about toxic people to find comfort, guidance, and wisdom in how to manage the toxic relationship in your life. Toxic people can come in all forms. Whether that be a colleague, a family member, or a friend. If you are currently dealing with a toxic person in your life, you are …

Read More about 19 Bible Verses About Toxic People

Use these Bible verses for college students to encourage and equip young adults in this huge life transition to college life. The transition from high school to college can seem daunting. Whether you are going to a school in your hometown or you will be away from home for the first time, there are so …

Read More about 32 Bible Verses For College Students

Use these Bible verses about goodness to see what Scripture says about the goodness of God, the good things He gives to us, and more. We all are familiar with the saying, “God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.” Though it may seem like something that we might simply …

Read More about 40 Bible Verses About Goodness

Use these Bible verses about bees to see where bees are mentioned in Scripture and what they symbolize in Christianity. Though the Bible does not mention bees in a lot of areas of Scripture, it does have references to bees as well as honey, which is always closely related to bees. If you are looking …

Read More about  29 Bible Verses About Bees

Celebrate achievements and inspire with divine wisdom! Use these Bible verses on accomplishment to honor your and others’ gifts and talents. One of the many things we get to celebrate in life is the achievements of others and that of our own. God has created us all in unique ways and given us different gifts …

Read More about 33 Bible Verses On Accomplishment

Use these Bible verses on clarity to see how God’s Word instructs you to find wisdom, direction, and focus in big life decisions and tough situations in your life. Whenever we face decisions in life, especially big decisions like who to marry, whether to take a job, or what to do with our lives, it …

Read More about 35 Bible Verses On Clarity

Use these Bible verses about stepping out in faith to be inspired to have the courage to take the steps of obedience to listen & respond to God’s leading in your life. Do you long to step out in faith to follow God’s leading in your life but aren’t sure where to start? As we …

Read More about 26 Bible Verses About Stepping Out In Faith

Use these Bible Verses on adoption for adopted children and adoptive parents to see what God’s Word says about adopting a child, His adoption of His children, and more. What does the Bible say about adoption? Though the process of adoption is rarely an easy one, adoption is a gift to many. Whether that is …

Read More about 29 Bible Verses On Adoption

Use these Bible Verses for Marines to pray for, support, and encourage a friend or family member serving in the military with God’s Word. How to use these Bible verses to support Marines If you have a loved one who is serving in the Marine Corps, it can be hard to spend time away from …

Read More about 38 Bible Verses For Marines

Read Bible verses about perspective and see how God’s view is eternal and has a deeper meaning that we couldn’t ever see on our own. What does the Bible say about perspective? As believers, we have not only been given a new identity in Christ but with that comes a new way of living. The …

Read More about 30 Bible Verses About Perspective

Use these Bible Verses about tears and crying to see what God’s word says about our hurt, heartache, and struggles and how He can meet our hearts there. What does the Bible say about tears? When we are experiencing times of sorrow, and our face is streamed with tears, it can feel as though we …

Read More about 37 Bible Verses About Tears and Crying

Use these Bible Verses About Changing Yourself For The Better to feel encouraged, inspired, and hope that transformation is absolutely possible for you. What does the Bible say about changing yourself? The Bible has a lot to say about the inner workings of the heart, and how we are to change. But this change that …

Read More about 31 Bible Verses About Changing Yourself For The Better

Use these Bible Verses About The Sunset to see what God’s Word says about the beauty of the setting sun, resting, fasting, and more. The sun is one of the two great bright lights that God created in the beginning. Yet, it is not only when the sun is up in the day that we …

Read More about 26 Bible Verses About The Sunset

Use these Bible verses about adventure to be inspired to take the steps of faith God is leading you toward in trust as He leads you out of your comfort zone. Read these Bible verses about adventure in the Christian life to see how God’s Word instructs us to step out of our comfort zones, …

Read More about 32 Bible Verses About Adventure

Use these Bible verses about evangelizing to be inspired by God’s Word to share the Gospel and get wisdom in how to share the Good News about Jesus with others. Do you ever struggle with sharing the Gospel with others? Do you want to be faithful to obey Jesus’ command to preach the Gospel but …

Read More about 42 Bible Verses About Evangelizing

Read these empowering Bible verses for women to see what Scripture says it means to be a confident woman of God and a bold daughter of the King.  What does “empowerment” mean? Do you long to live up to your potential, but aren’t sure how to embrace your womanhood in a way that promotes your …

Read More about 13 Empowering Bible Verses For Women

Read these Bible verses about candlesticks/lampstands to learn what they mean in Scripture from Moses and the tabernacle to Revelation. What Does A Candlestick Mean Or Symbolize In The Bible? In the Bible, there are references to candlesticks from God’s first instructions to Moses in the book of Exodus through the visions given to John …

Read More about 25 Bible Verses About Candlesticks

Read these Bible verses about favor to learn what Scripture teaches about finding favor with God through the many examples in His Word. As believers, we get to experience many blessings from the Lord, one of those being His favor.  More than anything, the favor of God in a person’s life comes from that person’s …

Read More about 35 Bible Verses About Favor

Read these motivational Bible verses if you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, tired, or unsure of your next steps to get motivation from God’s Word. Every one of us is prone to getting discouraged, tired, and beaten down from time to time. The circumstances of life can sometimes make us feel stuck, unmotivated, and feeling like we …

Read More about 31 Motivational Bible Verses

Read these Bible verses about butterflies to see what Scripture has to say about the new life and transformation Christ has to offer us. Are Butterflies Mentioned In The Bible? Although the Bible can speak into almost any situation with living words of truth, it doesn’t necessarily mention everything within its pages.  In many instances, …

Read More about 35 Bible Verses About Butterflies

Read these Bible verses on comfort in death to help you process and grieve with the guidance and hope found in God’s Word. The loss of someone we love can be an incredibly difficult and emotional time. Death carries with it those unbearable feelings of grief and heartache. It is a reminder of our little …

Read More about 29 Bible Verses On Comfort In Death

Read these Bible verses about struggling in life to see what God’s Word says about how to navigate discouragement through difficult seasons. Hard times are inevitable times. They are often the times in our lives that we wish we didn’t have to endure or experience and can lead us to feeling down, in despair, and …

Read More about 30 Bible Verses About Struggling In Life

Read these Bible verses about winter and see what God’s Word says, whether you’re experiencing spiritual winter or want seasonal verses. Winter brings a lot of different emotions to mind for different people. Some look forward to snow days from school, sledding, and skiing, warming oneself by a cozy fire, and drinking warm drinks with …

Read More about 18 Bible Verses About Winter

Use these Bible verses for nighttime prayers and go to God to help bring peace to your worries, calm your mind, and rest in your sleep for the evening. Do you struggle to calm your mind and emotions down at night even though you are desperate to get a decent night’s rest? It can be …

Read More about 12 Bible Verses For Nighttime Prayers

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