Selena lost 34 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Transformation of the Day: Selena lost 34 pounds by working out, changing her eating habits, and staying focused. She is determined not to let her family, friends, and children down because they are her support system.

Social Media:
Instagram: @Classy_lena_ss

What was your motivation?
My motivation was wanting to see a healthier version of myself. I wanted to stop taking high blood pressure meds and lower my BMI. Also, my 50th birthday was approaching, and I wanted to lose weight. 

My eye opener happened when I went to the doctor and was considered obese based on my weight. Now, that was my “aha” moment. It made me realize I definitely had to make a change. 

What inspired you to keep going?
What inspired me to keep going was my children, family, and friends who believed in me. I know they wanted to see me healthier. Also, I just was serious about becoming healthy. I was not going to let them or myself down. 

I changed my eating habits by joining an online weight loss program called Fitness on Fire. They instructed me and guided me on what to eat and drink. Also, they told me what exercises to do at home and in the gym. The program helped me with accountability, structure, and consistency.

Selena before and after weight loss

What is your workout routine?
I work out five days a week at the gym. My gym routine consists of working out on the treadmill, stair-master, arc trainer, and rowing machine. I will incorporate weight training soon. 

Starting weight/Current weight
My starting weight was 210 pounds, and my current weight is 176 pounds.

What is your height?
I’m 5’1″.

When did you start your weight loss journey?
I started my journey on Feb 14, 2023. I chose this date because self-love is the best love you can have. 

Is weight loss surgery part of your journey?
Weight loss surgery is not a part of my journey. 

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
The biggest lesson I’ve learned so far is that you always have to believe in yourself. You should never say what you cannot do because you can do anything you put your mind to. This journey has been great, and I am so glad I started it. 

What advice would you like to share with women who want to lose weight?
My advice: Never give up! Just keep pushing through, even on the days that you don’t feel like working out or eating right. Always remember why you started your weight loss journey. Keep your head up, believe in yourself, and you can do it. If I can do it, you can do it. Never give up!  

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