Shan lost 139 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Transformation of the Day (Update): Shan shares how she lost 139 pounds and how she maintains her success. Maintenance can be challenging, but she figured out the mix of faith, food, accountability, and exercise that works for her.

Social Media:
Instagram: @ooh_uhatenene

What is your current weight?
I literally broke out in tears answering this question. Never in 1 million years would I think that I would weigh under 180 pounds. I am currently 167 pounds. 

How have you maintained your weight loss/continued to lose weight? 
It sounds crazy, but this time around, I did things differently. My journey has been 100% natural thus far, and I have reached my goals by sticking to a calorie deficit diet – mainly fish and vegetables, very little liquor, lol, and consistently working out.  

On the second leg of my weight loss journey, I invited God onto my journey with me. I would pray for the strength to remain consistent. Instead of being upset that I had not reached my goals yet, I would pray for guidance on loving my body, whatever stage it was in. I walked with Christ through my journey. The gym became my sanctuary.

I also changed my surroundings. It definitely takes a village when you are losing weight naturally. I decided to surround myself with people who understood my journey or were on their own journey. This made it a lot easier because they understood firsthand what I was going through.

Shan before and after weight loss

Having friends who can hold you accountable when you go out on the weekends or who would even ask the bartender to bring you a shot glass with water because you were trying to stay on track was a game changer!

Looking back on the lessons you’ve learned on your journey, which one stands out the most?
The biggest lesson I have learned is to stay in my lane. Although social media has many benefits, too often women are comparing themselves to influencers and people we see online without knowing their stories, if they have done it naturally, had surgery, are catching their angles, etc.

At the beginning of 2023, I promised myself that I would stay in my lane. I was doing this for me and nobody else. I was going to remain consistent and do my best to stay off of the scale, lol. Instead of claiming a specific weight loss goal, my only goal was to go hard for myself! That is exactly what I did. 

Would you like to offer any new or different advice to women who want to lose weight?
Whenever somebody asks me for advice, I always tell them to find a reason other than physical. That will keep them consistent. The physical Will only take you so far. My reason was my mental health. The gym was a free therapy session for me! At the gym/while working out was the perfect time for me to surrender all of my frustrations! I never wanted to miss a session during this process because who doesn’t love free therapy? Lol!

Read more about Shan’s weight loss journey.

Shan before and after weight loss

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