Tina lost 17+ pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Transformation of the Day: Tina lost 17+ pounds and lots of inches. She was tired of not having the energy to play with her niece, not fitting her clothes, and having severe GERD symptoms. She found a coach who understood her unique needs and provided the right guidance. #fitover60 (She was not comfortable showing her face in her before/after photos)

Side Note: We have followed her coach, Monique of @sculpting.bodies, since 2002. She has an awesome transformation journey as well.

What was your motivation? What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up? 
I was tired of not having the energy to run around and play with my six-year-old niece, not properly fitting into my clothes, and experiencing severe GERD symptoms, which kept me up at night! Honestly, I was just sick and tired OF FEELING SICK AND TIRED and knew I needed to make a change! That’s when I started talking to Monique from Sculpting Bodies to see if she could help me. 

I know she had her own transformation journey before and helped other women do the same. She told me I just needed to get moving and change my diet. She also gave me a good meal plan that wasn’t boring and allowed me to do my workouts at home instead of going to the gym. Doing that and having Monique push me helped motivate me to start taking my health seriously. 

How did you change your eating habits? 
I stopped eating so late, stopped eating a lot of fast food, and stopped snacking on foods with a lot of sugar and salt. As Monique said, I wasn’t eating as much nutrient-dense foods as I was eating energy-dense foods. She helped me change that balance so I could incorporate more fruits, vegetables, and protein into my diet instead of mainly eating junk, fast food, and take out! 

What is your workout routine? How often did you work out? 
I did weight training with my dumbbells and resistance bands at home 4-5 times per week. I would only do cardio by walking around my neighborhood when the weather was nice. 

What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?
My starting weight was 160 pounds, and my current weight is 143 pounds.

What is your height? 
I’m 5’4″. 

When did you start your journey? How long did your transformation take?
I started my journey during quarantine at the beginning of May 2020 and reached this size by the end of July 2020. 

Is weight loss surgery part of your journey? 
No, just hard work.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far? 
Consistency is KEY! I noticed that when I would get busy with work or traveling and didn’t properly keep up with my workouts or nutrition, I would start feeling sluggish again. Sometimes I would start experiencing GERD symptoms again. 

What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight? 
Make sure you work with someone knowledgeable. Work with someone who can give you a plan that fits best for your needs and who cares. I’ve worked with many trainers at gyms before, but none of them helped me stay consistent or lose weight. They didn’t really seem to care either. Also, stay consistent and create a good routine. Once you fall out of that routine, it’s hard to get back on track.

Zion Life Style
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