Weight Loss While Working From Home

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past year-and-a-half you too, like me, would have been stopped dead in your tracks by Covid. Also like me, many of you would have been forced to work from home.

Initially it seemed like it was the best deal ever. I mean let’s face it, who doesn’t like to work from home. Especially in my situation where my commute lasted nearly 3 hours a day on public transport…sometimes more.

Initially it looked like this scenario would last no longer than a month. However a month then turned into an indefinite open-ended scenario….

For an individual like me fitness and weight training is high on my list of priorities. The notion that I couldn’t train to keep fit during lockdown was getting me down.

Not being able to train in my workplace gym was only part of the problem….the long commute I mentioned had its benefits….it involved 1.5 hours of walking…close to 10,000 steps a day.

Now that I was home for an unknown period of time meant I had to get smart with my fitness choices and my goal of losing weight by efficient fat loss.

To combat the lack of access to a gym and the loss of a mandatory walk during my commute I invested in a couple of pieces of kit to amplify my fat loss. There is undoubtedly an initial investment however if you’re going to be spending even 2 days working from home, I highly recommend the investment. It changed my life and helped me lose almost 7 kilos of fat.

1) A standing Desk – The first thing I invested in was a standing desk. These things are surprisingly cheap for an electric version.

Did you know standing burns an extra 150 odd calories over a 4 hour period over the course of a 8 hour day. That’s like running a 10km a week. It’s also great for reducing stress on your lower back and hip flexors.

2) Under Desk Treadmill – Now to super charge the effects of a standing desk, I invested in an under desk treadmill. I’m not sure if you’ve seen one of these things before but they’re extremely light and don’t take up too much room.

Basically you pop the treadmill under your standing desk and set it to 2.5kph….a speed where you don’t really feel like you’re even walking. If you do this over a 4 hour period you will lose a 1000 calories.

3) Drinking Water – I wasn’t bad at drinking water previously but over lockdown I made it my mission to drink a minimum of 4 litres of water a day. Not only does it fill you up and kill your hunger cravings but also increases your ‘resting energy expenditure’….which is essentially the amount of calories you burn when in a state of rest.

Get yourself a bottle and make sure you finish at-least 4 during the course of a day. It may seem difficult at the start but treat it as a chore. Set a reminder for it on your phone and finish half a bottle at a time.

Now I’m not sure about you but for anyone out there looking to burn fat whilst doing what feels like nothing…these 3 tips are a winning combination.

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Zion Life Style
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